Vegan Parmesan Cheese
Homemade vegan parmesan cheese in a mason jar shown with cashews and pumpkin seeds on a yellow background.
olive and vegan parmesan pizza

This is a super easy and delicious alternative to parmesan cheese. You can substitute it anywhere you’d normally use parmesan. It’s made with nuts and you can play around with using different nuts, but we find cashews work best. The nutritional yeast provides the cheesy flavour as well as being an excellent source of B vitamins (especially vitamin B12) protein and minerals. You can substitute the pumpkin seeds for sunflower seeds or hemp seeds. Or omit the seeds all together and just use more cashews in their place. We like to include a variety of nuts and seeds for optimal nutrition :)


1 + 1/4 cup raw unsalted cashews (you can sub with other nuts like walnuts or almonds, but we find raw cashews work best)

1/4 cup raw pumpkin seeds

6 tbsp nutritional yeast

2 tsp garlic powder

1 tsp salt


1 - Blend all ingredients in a food processor until finely ground. Use as a topping on pizza, pasta, roasted veggies, and anything you’d normally add parmesan cheese to.

Makes: About 1 + 1/2 cups

Prep time: 5 - 10 minutes

Store: Air-tight container/jar in the fridge

Lasts: 3 - 4 weeks

*This recipe was inspired by other vegan bloggers and adapted by us.